Advance HE
worked with Rob Drury Consulting in 2022 to develop resources for the Race Equality Charter (REC)

The REC was first established in 2015. It provides a framework for higher education institutions (HEIs) to reflect on their context to improve the experience for  racially minoritised staff and students. The framework enables HEIs to identify their priorities by reviewing their own processes, data, benchmarks, and consulting with their communities. This analysis should then inform an action plan to address barriers.  

In 2019 and 2021, two reviews of the REC sought to understand how it was working and how it could further be developed. The reviews, undertaken by Dr Nicola Rollock and Douglas Oloyede Consultants, demonstrated that the REC was having a positive impact as well as making recommendations for improving the framework. As part of the work in response to the review, Rob Drury Consulting was commissioned to produce guidance for two areas: 

  • Resources for a Development Hub for institutional Self-Assessment Teams (SATs). 

  • Information for producing SMART action plans as part of REC submissions.  

Rob drew on his previous experience as a REC project lead and data from the reviews of the REC. This desk review gave clarity to the areas which member institutions needed support with the most. Rob then worked with the leadership of the REC to draft clear written guidance and templates. Guidance documents featured thematic sections and references to good practice via case studies.   

Guidance documents created have been included in the rollout of the Updated Race Equality Charter from July 2023. 

